Building $2.6 million: How to enter your order

This is the goal

This is the action plan

teen financial task prioritization

Here is how: Student questions answered

student questions answered
teen financial task prioritization

Remember that a Roth IRA just holds your money. If you want your money to grow to $2.6 million, you have to invest that money by purchasing something in your Roth IRA.

Student Questions Answered

Some people have the three bars at the top that they have to click to find the menu bar that gives you the option to find $ which has the trade or transfer option.

Student Questions Answered

I recommend buying SPY (this is the abbreviation or ticker symbol for an investment that buys all 500 companies in the S&P 500 – Google, Tesla, Nike, Disney, Amazon, etc.). It is up to you what you purchase but the evidence is clear that buying something following the S&P 500 is how you invest successfully and make millions of free money. Other options include VOO, IVV or XVV (excludes a few industries).

teen financial task prioritization
teen financial task prioritization
enter partial order

Unfortunately there is no way to automate this process. Set a calendar reminder to make your purchase every month. The money transfer and purchase take less than 1 minute.

invest at least

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Disclaimer: I am an educator, not your personal financial advisor. Please make sure to do your own research before moving forward with any actions discussed in this blog post.

Know that all investments involve some form of risk and there is no guarantee that you will be successful in making, saving, or investing money; nor is there any guarantee that you won’t experience any loss when investing. Always remember to make smart decisions and do your own research!