Dream, Plan, Execute, Thrive
A class that will transform how you approach life and the results you achieve. Everything you need to finally start making your dream life a reality.
The Story of this class and how it came to be.
In May 2019, Bailey (my daughter) was 10 months old and I was just getting squashed by motherhood. I was worn down and depleted. Women have been having babies for thousands of years and someone had to have motherhood figured out. So I took to the internet to find this wisdom. What transpired was a life changing transformation that took me from barely surviving to tremendous growth and thriving. I learned how to maximize my time by doing less and focusing on what matters, set goals and achieve things that seemed impossible (like running a business while working full time and still showing up for myself and family) and chasing my dreams even if they seemed unrealistic. I kept learning, following all the breadcrumbs and took everything I learned and turned it into the Dream Unit of my year long personal finance class (a class which I created during this life changing journey). In 2019 I taught this class/unit to 10 people, most of them having their own life changing transformation. For many of my students, the dream unit is the most impactful unit in our year long class. So I put these resources (plus some) online to share with you.
Everything in this class has been so transformative to my life, I wish I had learned all of these things prior to having Bailey, when I actually had free time and weekends.
So if you want to turn up the volume this year by dreaming bigger and creating sustainable progress towards your dreams then join my class and let´s start making your dream life a reality.
Overview Of The Class
This class has four units with one unit being released each week
Unit #1: Designing Your Dream Life, Permission To Do More & Being All In
In this unit you will reflect on what you actually want, push the boundaries and remove your limiting beliefs and work on clarity to narrow your focus so you can start working towards the results you desire.
The materials in this unit, helped me expand what is possible in my life and remove the limiting beliefs that caused me to dismiss my dreams and play life safe and small. Thoughts like, ¨why start a business; it will never be successful or make money?¨ This thought transformed into, ¨I believe in this idea plus, regardless of the outcome, it will be a fun and incredible journey.¨ At the end of my life I want to know that I said yes to my ideas, I took risks, I followed my heart & dreams and I went big. In reality I have so much more to lose by playing it small and safe. If I go big and fail, this popular saying applies, ¨Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you will land among the stars.¨ The worst that will happen really won´t be that bad. The materials in this unit transformed me in this way.

Unit #2: Transforming Your Dreams into Goals, Your Goals into Reality & Conquering the Impossible through Small Actions Taken Daily
It is cool to shoot for the stars and have big dreams but how do you actually make your dreams a reality? Every year millions of people set New Year´s Resolutions and dump them a few days, weeks or months later. I was no different. When I started this transformation in May 2019, my first goal was to read the 35 nonfiction books I had bought but not finished or started. I was going to read every night and finish all 35 books in the course of a year. This goal lasted 3 weeks and I quit. The goal was too big, the books were interesting but dense historical reads.
As my journey progressed, I stumbled on all the tools in this unit that completely transformed my life. All the sudden I was given the skills to conquer something that seemed impossible and to make progress on even the most daunting dreams. These resources and ideas were so simple, yet they were new to me and completely blew my mind and transformed my life.
In this unit you will learn a realistic, empowering and proven way to work towards your dreams. I will give you all the resources to start implementing these tools so you can start realizing dreams that have always escaped you. This unit is life changing.

Unit #3: Tricks to Free Up More Time & Center Your Priorities & To Do List
We all lead very busy lives, especially if you have children. This unit will help you examine how you spend your time, how that aligns with your goals and values and give you a tone of tricks and ideas to make changes so you can move from surviving to thriving.
These tools were eye opening for me because it gave me a harsh look at how I was spending my time vs how I wanted to be spending my time. With the tips in this unit, I immediately started making small changes to align my values and time which has pushed me one step closer to living my dream life each and every day.

Unit #4: Money Blocks, Change Your Money Mindset & Start Living Your Rich Life Now
At least 50% of our behavior comes from our unconscious beliefs and mindset, this includes realizing our dream life and financial goals needed to make our dream life a reality. This unit is going to help you identify some of your unconscious beliefs around money and give you tools to start building a mindset that aligns with your dream life.
These tools were eye opening for me because it gave me a harsh look at how I was spending my time vs how I wanted to be spending my time. With the tips in this unit, I immediately started making small changes to align my values and time which has pushed me one step closer to living my dream life each and every day.
Additional Notes
Purchasing this class gives you lifetime access to the material. If you have any questions as you go, please email me: [email protected] for support.
In this class, we will be using resources from 4 different books which are included in the price of the class. After joining the class, you will be asked for your address so I can mail you these books for use throughout the course.
Cost of Class
There are 4 different payment options from $75 per month for 10 months to paying in full for a discount of $697.
I attended Crystal’s Dream Life class before the Pandemic (2019). I knew deep down that I needed to make some big changes in my life, but the thought of making them while working a full time job and managing two teens through high school and their college application process felt too overwhelming for me. I told myself that I would work on myself when my kids had gone off to college. I felt “stuck.”
I read about Crystal’s class and I totally connected with the description. I needed a starting point and the class advertised to do just that. The time commitment was not too much and I gave it a go. I also knew that I often gain energy in a group setting and this class provided that.
The class allowed me to start sorting through my thoughts and “dreams” about what I wanted and felt I needed in my life to start thriving instead of surviving. The course helped me to organize my dreams into categories and gave me methods to start working on the dreams in just 20 – 30 minutes a day. The accountability of the homework, group meetings and one-on-ones with Crystal kept me accountable to investing the time and energy in myself. When the course was over, I had some clear life dreams identified and a plan to start working towards them, even with my current work and parenting obligations. Over the next year and a half, I started prioritizing my dreams and taking steps to set myself up to reach them. The plan required me to take a Physics and Chemistry class online at the local junior college at age 47. Sounds crazy right. It felt crazy and really hard, but I did it!! I knew I could do “hard things,” but I was not exactly signing up to do them. My Dream Life plan put me in motion.
When my youngest graduated high school, I started living my dream life. I didn’t wait until my kids were off to college. I prioritized and planed to start living my dream life as they were also preparing the launch. We all got to launch!!
I went back to school to allow me to change careers. I am currently taking a “gap year” to live out some dreams that I had put on hold, while prioritizing my children and career. I have reduced my monthly expenses and minimized my lifestyle to allow me to take my gap year. This week, another mom who became an empty nester at the same time as me said, “You are doing what we all want to do, how did you do it?”
Turns out that my children didn’t feel abandoned by me. They are incredibly proud of me for taking this leap into my dream life. I am demonstrating for them what is possible even when you feel stuck. I had to get uncomfortable to grow. This process continues for me. It did not end when the class ended or when I reached one of my dreams. I continue to refocus my dreams and make adjustments as I grow.
– Thank you Crystal. Love you. Jana J.
“I only have great things to say about my experience taking “Making Your Dreams a Reality” with Crystal Rigley Janis. The class has transformed my ability to set and reach goals that will lead me to the life I have dreamed of having. Crystal has built a varied curriculum with readings, podcasts and writing assignments allowing for self-reflection and fine tuning of those dreams. The structure of the class is well designed and Crystal’s ability to guide and focus on important steps is incredible. This course has helped to alter the trajectory of my life and I already feel so rewarded by the experience. I will continue to revisit the content of the course for years to come. I cannot recommend the class enough.”
– Megan T.
“The Dream class with Crystal was helpful on multiple levels: the weekly focus and readings guided me to begin to directly address goals that have long been on my radar but which consistently lacked my attention. Crystal’s style of opening class and inviting reflection, then responding directly to each of us in our growth work, felt personalized and caring while also holding us accountable to ourselves. Finally, the fact that she shared about her own life experiences working towards her dreams made the whole process more relatable and doable. I highly recommend working with Crystal if you’re struggling to devote the necessary and worthwhile time to yourself, your dreams, and your financial empowerment.”
– Stephanie