Are you anti budget and you want more control over your money but feel like you aren’t making any progress? Stop hating on the budget. A budget is just a spending plan to align your money with your dreams. You get to decide how you spend your money and what makes the most sense for you. Love buying coffee every day? Great! Put it as a line item in your budget. Wish you had more money for travel? Cool, your budget is how you are going to know where your money is currently going and will allow you to assess and see if there is any place to make changes so you can put money towards more travel.
You could buy a free template to put together a budget and try to piece it together yourself or you could use my tried and true budget template with video coaching to create a spending plan that 100% works for you and gives you the money confidence you deserve.
I live in the SF Bay Area and as a high school teacher my salary was tight. This budget template has saved me over and over again. It is where I come up with a plan for my money. It is where I give more money for the things I care about and fund my dreams and cautiously watch other areas of spending so I can make my dreams a reality. My budget template is how I handle major life changes and challenges like getting evicted from my apartment, paying major medical expenses, getting married and having my daughter.
My budget template is the one financial tool that has changed my life more than anything else.
Guess what? Once you set up a budget template that works for you: your spending, income, expenses and dreams, it only takes a few minutes to update a few times a month. This is not a cumbersome process.
Get my budget template. Let me walk you through how to make this your own with the video coaching to get you up and running in no time. This budget template has single handily changed my life more times than I can count and I know it can do the same for you too. Buy now to get started and start changing your relationship with your money and how it shows up in your life.
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