3 Easy Moves to Ignite Your Dreams

Step 1: You have to know your dreams & goals and write them down.

Did you know only 3% of Americans have specific goals and only 1% of Americans write them down? Writing down your goal increases your chance of success by 42%!

When writing down your goals, give them clarity. Clarity means they are specific. Here are some examples:

teens financial goal achievement

Write your dreams as if they have already happened. Instead of ¨I want¨ or ¨I need,¨ write your dreams as if they are already happening. I am in the best shape of my life. I am making …. This language change empowers you to take action.

Step 2: Change your process.

You should be taking action every day towards your dreams. This does not have to be big life changing action. This should be 10 minutes or less. You want to make it incredibly easy to make progress on your dreams each and every day. If you set the bar too high, you are likely to burn out and give up after a few weeks. If all you have to do is 10 minutes each day, you are much more likely to have success.

Plan and stack your actions. This means you have to be clear about when you are going to take action and what action you are going to take. Don´t leave it to chance or when you ¨feel¨ like it because most of the time you will not feel like it.

Stack your action to something else you are already doing so it makes it easier to remember. For example, when I get up I take a shower. After getting ready I do my posture physical therapy and listen to a podcast. I tacked my posture PT to my getting ready routine because it is easy to remember and execute. There is clear dedicated time in my morning to make these exercises happen. These exercises are an important part of realizing my dreams because I want to be in the best shape of my life and these exercises are one way I make this a reality.

Step 3: Change your identity.

These are the things you consciously and subconsciously believe about yourself and say to yourself. You might say you want to be in the best shape of your life but your subconscious is calling bullshit. This is the hardest part of changing and realizing your dream life and yet it might be the most important. If you don´t change your identity and how you feel about yourself, you will never achieve your dreams because you will self sabotage.

The best way to start changing your identity? Attend a free Tony Robbins program which is offered every January. I listened to the replays of this program in 2023 which set off an avalanche of change in my life. I have been working on changing my identity for years but continued to run into a brick wall. I could rationalize my way to my dream identity but my body and subconscious was not having it until last year. I attended this free Tony Robbins´s programs and everything started to shift.

Massive change

If you want to take your dreams and your money to the next level, sign up for my classes.

4 Life Changing money moves

Dreams to Reality

Disclaimer: I am an educator, not your personal financial advisor. Please make sure to do your own research before moving forward with any actions discussed in this newsletter.

Know that all investments involve some form of risk and there is no guarantee that you will be successful in making, saving, or investing money; nor is there any guarantee that you won’t experience any loss when investing. Always remember to make smart decisions and do your own research!